mercredi 15 juin 2011

Renegade Mental Golf

Hey there aspiring golfer…

EVERY golfer knows that what separates the good from the elite is the mental side of the game.

You know this is true.

Sure, there are the issues of natural talent, starting golf instruction at a young age with good coaches, disciplined practice, strength and conditioning, and pure determination. These are without a doubt vitally important factors.

But they are rather meaningless if you can’t hang with the big boys on the mental level.

The elite golfers perform consistently well physically because he doesn’t screw up mentally.

Stephen Ladd and Bill Gladwell here; we're known as the Renegade Mental Coaches because we don’t buy into the mainstream sports psychology BULLS***!!

Together we have over 37 years of intense personal and professional study into the mind-body connection including four academic degrees, dozens of internships with the most respected authorities in the sports and personal change arenas, and extensive travel throughout southeast Asia in search of more substantial (and certainly lesser known) answers to the question of which techniques do champion athletes use to gain the mental edge over their opponents.

In the end, we were able to formulate a simple do-it-yourself system that generates all of the benefits of traditional sports psychology, hypnosis, energy medicine and meditation practice - without all the psycho-babble, drum circles or the need to sit and stare at a blank wall for hours.

There is a better way!
Renegade Mental Golf is a Coaching System that will attack your mental roadblocks and get you into peak performance form. We won’t waste your time with any fluff. From the 1st page through the last MP3 Hypnosis session, we’ll share our best insider-secrets to mastering the mental game of golf.

The Renegade Mental Golf System works for 3 Reasons:

Reason #1: Power Golf Hypnosis

There are a few different ways to be hypnotized. There’s stage hypnosis where people are convinced they are chickens and do ridiculous stuff on stage.

There’s therapeutic hypnosis where you are placed in a deep trance where you lose track of time and wake up later unaware of what you said or did….

And last is waking-hypnosis. We use this in the Renegade Golf System. You simply listen to Bill put you into a light trance. We use the light trance to convince your subconscious to start working on improving your golf game.

At the end of each session you’ll feel relaxed, focused and ready to play a serious game of golf!

The great part is that you can use the hypnosis whenever you need to sharpen your focus, relax or heighten your awareness.

Reason #2: It Taps into Your Subconscious and Tweaks Your Gofl Brain Programming

We’ve adapted the powerful science of Neurolinguistic Programming to Golf. This is the same system that Anthony Robbins uses to turn NBA Players into foul-shot whiz kids and gives elite Olympic athletes the Gold medal edge.

We’ll show you how to use simple NLP techniques to sharpen your focus, isolate your mental roadblock, and experience game-changing breakthroughs.

Reason #3: It Shows You a Shortcut to Getting into the Zone

I’ll show you how to induce a state of profound relaxation and mental focus with just your fingertips. It’s like acupuncture but doesn’t require the needles.

Skeptical... I don't blame you.

But I’ll show you! The system includes a comprehensive manual that explains the technique in detail – with photos. PLUS, we’ve included an Audio MP3s to talk you through the process (More on that in a moment).


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