jeudi 21 avril 2011

Stand-up Comedy Secrets

I know from my own experience that there is no bigger thrill on the planet than to make an audience laugh -- and laugh hard. It's electrifying! 
There are few things that can compare to the acceptance, appreciation and instant gratification that you can experience from being completely responsible for entertaining a group of people by creating huge laughter.
But I also know that if you are seriously considering getting involved in stand-up comedy or you've been doing it already...
Then the chances are very good that you have important questions that you need answered right now.


Important questions like:
What do I talk about on stage?

How do I get started developing a comedy act?

How can I easily remember my comedy material?

How can I get rid of nervousness before I get on stage?

How can I improve my delivery?
If you have already been involved in stand-up comedy for awhile, you may also have important questions like:
How can I make my comedy material funnier?

How can I add more punchlines to my comedy material?

How do I come up with better jokes?

How can I improve my timing?

How do I handle hecklers?
The reason that I am confident that you may have these questions is simple...


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